Folding cartons are made with a variety of materials such as glass, wood, cardboard and many more. The most common material used is cardboard. Folding cartons are popular due to their light weight portability, which makes them easy to carry from place to place. These boxes contain within them a variety of objects, some of which are fragile and must be handled with care.
Cartons are made in various sizes and shapes. There are those made of thick cardboard that weigh several pounds. However, there are also those that are made of clear plastic that can be just the same weight. The folded cartons made the packaging industry just as it is now, starting in the late nineteenth century.
The process basically involves folding a carton of box made of clear plastic, laminated, cut and then laminated again. This process allows the contents of the box to remain intact as well as protect its decorative value. Laminated boxes allow the contents to remain dry and prevent water seepage into the interior. Water is a major factor that causes box stains and damages the objects contained therein.
Folding cartons are used for the purpose of shipping as well as storing. Some organizations use them to ship delicate objects that cannot be sent through regular mail because they may be damaged by regular mail delivery. Folding carton boxes are also used in business transactions as well. Some companies use these boxes to store records and other documents that are too valuable for them to handle. Such businesses have to keep careful track of the items that are stored in the boxes, especially as they move from one location to another.
In the business sector, these carts are being used increasingly for packing food products, fruits, vegetables, milk and other perishable items. These boxes are so useful that packing requirements of such perishable items have become much easier and faster. The use of folding cartons also saves on space as well as energy as the boxes can be stacked up without much difficulty. They are also lightweight and hence can be carried easily from one place to another.
These boxes are durable, reliable and versatile and can be used extensively. If you need more information about these carts or any other product, you can get them at online stores. You can also compare and contrast the prices offered by different sellers so that you can make the best choice possible. You can also browse through the images of these folding cartons to get an idea of the product you are planning to buy.