Films truly are one of the most universal art forms of the twenty-first century, one which brings people together to catch a glimpse of movie magic.
From Chaplin and the Silent Era to the stars and starlets who shone in Classic Hollywood to today’s multicultural trendsetters, Hollywood has been a dream factory for well over a century now. Bollywood has emerged as a dream factory of its own, producing some of the most vibrant stories and incredible musical numbers of our time. With names like Fellini, Antonioni, Mastroianni, Demy, Deneuve, and Truffaut, French and Italian New Wave Cinema carved out a special place for itself and those nations in film history. From the rich tradition of British acting to animation houses as different as Disney and Ghibli, there are so many great national moviemaking traditions – and now Dubai is looking to leave its mark on the moviemaking landscape.
If you’re looking to capitalise on the region’s lucrative and burgeoning film industry, you’re going to want to work with the finest film production company in Dubai.
Pre-Production Work
Before you can shout “Action!” even once, you need to have all the pieces in place. That means making sure that you have quality pre-production staff on hand. The best film production house in Dubai can be of immense help in this regard. They can help with everything from constructing sets to crafting costumes to securing permits to shoot at the sites where you wish to film.
Production Work
Then there is the matter of production itself. Dubai’s best film production company can set you up with the best cameras, cameramen, actors, actresses, and sound personnel in Dubai.
Distribution in Dubai and Beyond
Of course, none of that will matter very much if no one can see your film because you can’t get it distributed. That’s why the best film production team in Dubai works to secure distribution rights for their clients’ films within Dubai, the Middle East, and beyond.
Cultural Assistance
Dubai is certainly a very special place, and can be an incredible place in which to work, live, do business and, yes, shoot films. That being said, it is likewise true that Dubai also has a unique culture, certain aspects of which can require a bit of nuance to navigate. This is true of all international shoots, and it will become all the more prominent as filmmaking continues to go global.
If you require assistance navigating cultural sensitivities during your stay, the best production house in Dubai can be of immense legal and personal assistance.
Make movie magic in one of the great new cinema hotspots of the world when you shoot your film in Dubai.