Business sector in China is regarded as very personal and focused on the relationship with the person you are dealing with. Know that when you are indulging in Chinese business, you need to learn a few idioms to render your transaction or business successful, and if you want to learn business Chinese in a fully-fledged way, then visit us. We have listed some of the most famous business Chinese idioms for you below.
- 王 婆 卖 瓜, 自 卖 自 夸 (Wáng pó mài guā, zì mài zì kuā)
Meaning: Every potter praises his own pot.
This literally translates to someone selling their goods and praises highly about the goods you sell. Its English equivalents are ‘tooting your own horn’ and ‘every potter extols his own pot.’ It states you cannot just merely trust anyone biased opinion.
- 有 一 说 一 ,有 二 说 二 (Yǒuyī shuō yī, Yǒu èr shuō èr)
Meaning: To call a spade a spade
This can also be shortened to 有一说一. This means is to be honest, never lie or call it for what it is.
- 一 锤 子 买 卖 (yì chuí zi mǎimai)
Meaning: Once and for all
This idiom was actually inspired from an event where a customer bought a hammer but found it in a bad shape and he couldn’t return it for the second one. This is a renowned phrase that refers to a one off business deal. When it comes to business in China, this is meant for long term and for retaining customers.
- 货 比 三 家 (huò bǐ sān jiā)
Meaning: Compare before you buy
This means that you should always compare the product you purchase with another seller and select the best one. It is a good practice when you walk in the marketplace and decide you can simply buy it online.
- 让 利 酬 宾 (ràng lì chóu bīn)
Meaning: give a discount
This phrase comes in handy when it comes to retaining customers. It means literally giving away a part or whole of the customers to reward customers for their loyalty to the company.
- 错 失 良 机(cuò shī liáng jī)
Meaning: miss the big chance
This means missing a huge opportunity. Many women get ready before 11th November. They buy accessories as much as they can and calculate the discount they get. Note that 11th November is celebrated as Singles Day in China. Women get themselves ready because they don’t want to miss the opportunity.